1.State Boot Camp Program--- An alternative to incarceration.  A youthful offender between the age of 17-26 is eligible for sentencing at a military-type Institutional Division facility for a period of not more than 90 days.

2. Substance Abuse Felony Punishment Facility (SAFPF)--- An Institutional Division treatment facility that may be ordered as a condition of community supervision or as a modification to the conditions of the community supervision.  The confinement and treatment imposed must be an indeterminate term of not more than one year or less than 90 days.  As a condition of their community supervision the defendant shall participate in a continuum of care treatment plan.

3. Shock Probation---An Institutional Division Program which requires an offender to serve 180 days from date of sentencing by the Judge.   The Judge of the sentencing court which imposed such sentence may on his own motion, motion by the attorney for the state or motion written by defendant, suspend further execution of sentence and place defendant on community supervision under terms of as defined by law.


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