1. Restitution Center (RC)---
An alternative to incarceration for non-violent offenders. This facility
is characterized by participant employability and restitution reimbursements
to victims. The Kleberg County CSCD currently contracts with:
San Patricio County (RC)
b. Cameron County (RC)
Hidalgo County (RC)
Jefferson County (RC)
2. Court Residential Treatment
Center (CRTC)--- Provides 24 hour supervision and specialized treatment
for offenders with problems such as drug or alcohol abuse, mental health
deficiencies or emotional disorders. The Kleberg County CSCD currently
contracts with:
a. Lubbock County (CRTC) - Dual
3. Substance Abuse Treatment
Facility (SATF)--- Residential facility designed to provide 24-hour
supervision and intensive treatment for high need substance abuse offenders.
Kleberg County CSCD currently contracts with:
a. Nueces County (SATF)
San Patricio County (SATF) 4. Community Corrections
Facility (CCF) / Intermediate Sanction Facility (ISF)--- Provides a closely
monitored residential setting and frequently includes treatment of specific
problem areas, including substance abuse, employment, etc. Para-military
exercise is part of their model. Kleberg County CSCD currently
contracts with:
a. Burnett County (ISF)
Gonzales County (ISF)
5. Boot Camp Facility---
Provides the courts with a sentencing alternative for the young offender
(17- 26), utilizing a regimented military style supervision strategy along
with other intervention programs. Kleberg County CSCD currently contracts
a. Hidalgo County CSCD
b. Cameron Co. CSCD