1.  JOBS
 Encourage job stability, punctuality, regular attendance productiveness, proper notice for employment changes, regular employment and other job-connected responsibilities.  Assist in upgrading the under-employed who are not working up to his order employment potential. Help generate interest and motivate the probationer to participate in vocational training.  Identify vocational interest and aptitude through discussions and testing by local community resources such as Texas Employment Commission, Texas Vocational Rehabilitation Commission, Adult Education, Vocational Schools and other means.

 Encourage and motivate toward completion of high school.  Suggest regular academic pursuits or completion of necessary requirements for General Equivalency (GED) Diploma.  Enrollment in college programs and other educational programs is important when potential and interest is present.

 One of the foremost qualifications of a good one-to-one volunteer is the ability to be a good listener.  Much constructive therapy is administered through the art of merely allowing a person to “talk out” his or her problems.  The venting of feeling offers great promise judgment and moralize.  Determine his interests and encourage him to channel them and his energies into socially acceptable paths.

 Religious and spiritual growth can provide the ingredients for a balanced and secure future.  Character guidance and moral values which are grounded in religious beliefs, can help strengthen the offender’s internal resources.  Volunteers may encourage church attendance and provide counseling in areas within the offenders own denominational preferences.  (VOLUNTEERS SHOULD NOT PROPOUND THEIR OWN DENOMINATIONAL BELIEFS BUT LEAVE THIS TO THE OFFENDERS OWN CHOOSING.)

 Pointing out strengths and enthusiastic encouragement with an occasional “pat on the back” motivated many people to do their very best.  The offender is not exception to the rule and he needs to experience some successes to bolster his ego, instill pride, and inspire greater achievement.  Good influence change attitudes, appearance, mannerism, dress and other factors conducive to good adjustment.

 “In poverty and other misfortunes of life, true friends are a sure refuge.”  “The young they keep out of mischief; to the old, they are comfort and aid in their weakness, and those in prime of life they insight to noble deeds.”  Aristotle

 Probationer’s seldom have developed hobbies and healthy recreational pursuits or cultural interest.  Citizen volunteers can help broaden the offenders perspective and interest through exposure to cultural events, sports programs and other community activities which assist in self-improvement and enjoyment

 The use of alcohol contributes to the plight of many law violators.  Encouragement toward attendance at Alcoholics Anonymous meetings, counseling with family, and fostering self-control provide services to offenders.

 The abuse of drugs is a growing menace to the viability of our society especially in regard to the youth.  Counseling in prevention, control and the dangers of drug abuse are important areas of concentration.  New interests and associates can assist in overcoming problems of drug addiction and alcoholism.

 Personal contacts are important in rehabilitating criminal offenders.  They need to know that someone cares and is interested in their future.  Often they have not had the advantage of parental encouragement, direction, interest, or concern.  Frequent and regular office contacts by the volunteer helps solidify their relationship, gain confidence and depict genuine interest.

The above suggestions are not all inclusive and are intended to point out only a few areas of concentration.  One-to-one volunteers may be involved in any combination of the above and in a host of other areas.  By identifying the problems and assisting the offender in arriving at constructive solutions, the volunteer can make significant contributions in stabilizing the offender.


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